妙探追缉令Double Take(2001)

6.0 还行

Double Take又名:双重身份

分类:喜剧 动作 惊悚 犯罪  美国  2001 2001-01-12英语 , 西班牙语


导演:George Gallo

George Gallo


OK影视为您提供2001年由奥兰多·琼斯 艾迪·格里芬 加里·格鲁布斯 主演,George Gallo 导演的《妙探追缉令》/原名《Double Take》/又名《双重身份》电影在线观看,《妙探追缉令》百度云网盘资源以及《妙探追缉令》高清mp4迅雷下载,《妙探追缉令》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The governor of a Mexican state is assassinated. Soon after, junior executive Daryl Chase's life turns upside down: after he flags a huge transfer of funds from a Mexican account as probably illegal, he's attacked in his apartment, rescued by a CIA agent, finds his secretary shot dead, and witnesses two cops get killed. He calls the CIA guy who tells him to grab the next train to Mexico. Leaving Manhattan, Daryl can't shake a jive-talking street punk named Freddy, and soon he's traded clothes with Freddy to escape the police. Within days, his girlfriend, his boss, his client, Freddy, the FBI, and the dead governor's dog are tangled in a web of deceit and danger. Who's who?




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