有组织的工作Organize Isler: Sazan Sarmali(2019)

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Organize Isler: Sazan Sarmali又名:尔愚我诈2:连环骗

分类:喜剧  土耳其  2019 2019-02-01(土耳其)土耳其语 Turkish

主演:Yilmaz Erdogan,Ezgi Mola,Kivanç Tatlitug

导演:Yilmaz Erdogan

Yilmaz Erdogan/Samuel Stewart Hunter


OK影视为您提供2019年由Yilmaz Erdogan Ezgi Mola Kivanç Tatlitug 主演,Yilmaz Erdogan 导演的《有组织的工作》/原名《Organize Isler: Sazan Sarmali》/又名《尔愚我诈2:连环骗》电影在线观看,《有组织的工作》百度云网盘资源以及《有组织的工作》高清mp4迅雷下载,《有组织的工作》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Asim Noyan swindles people with his lies and games. Asim Noyan and his gang, who

Plot Summary:Asim Noyan and his gang continue their usual fraud in the sequel of the "Organize Isler", which was released in 2005. His beloved daughter Nazli has grown up and now asks her father to leave these dirty jobs. He has no intention of chasing the carp, who are eager to jump into the pole. But one day his daughter is defrauded. He, of course, has a good answer to this swindling. With his gang he starts the organization of swindling of swindlers.






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