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分类:剧情  英国  1948 1948-05-06(英国)英语



莎士比亚 William Shakespeare/劳伦斯·奥利弗 Laurence Olivier


OK影视为您提供1948年由劳伦斯·奥利弗 巴兹尔·悉尼 艾琳·赫利 诺曼·伍德兰 费利克斯·艾尔默 泰伦斯·摩根 简·西蒙斯 约翰·劳里 埃斯蒙德·奈特 安东尼·奎尔 尼尔·麦吉尼斯 克里斯托弗·李 哈考特·威廉姆斯 帕特里克·特罗 托尼·塔弗 彼得·库欣 斯坦利·霍洛威 罗素·桑代克 主演,劳伦斯·奥利弗 导演的《王子复仇记》/原名《Hamlet》/又名《哈姆雷特》电影在线观看,《王子复仇记》百度云网盘资源以及《王子复仇记》高清mp4迅雷下载,《王子复仇记》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

丹麦王子哈姆雷特(劳伦斯·奥利弗 Laurence Olivier 饰)的父王某日在花园中离奇死亡,国王的弟弟克劳迪亚斯登上了王位,并娶原王妃即哈姆雷特的母亲为

Plot Summary:William Shakespeare's tale of tragedy of murder and revenge in the royal halls of medieval Denmark. Claudius, brother to the King, conniving with the Queen, poisons the monarch and seizes the throne, taking the widowed Gertrude for his bride. Hamlet, son of the murdered King, mournful of his father's death and mother's hasty marriage, is confronted by the ghost of the late King who reveals the manner of his murder. Seeking revenge, Hamlet recreates the monstrous deed in a play with the help of some traveling actors to torment the conscience of the evil Claudius. In a visit with his mother, Hamlet expresses his anger and disappointment concerning her swiftly untimed marriage. Thinking a concealed spy in his mother's chamber to be the lurking Claudius, he mistakenly kills the meddling counselor, Polonius, father of Ophelia and Laertes. Claudius, on the pretext that Hamlet will be endangered by his subjects for the murder of Polonius, sends the prince to England.



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