O Trapalhão na Arca de Noé(1983)

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分类:喜剧 家庭  巴西  1983 1983葡萄牙语

主演:Renato Aragão,Manfredo Colassanti,Gracindo Júnior

导演:Del Rangel


OK影视为您提供1983年由Renato Aragão Manfredo Colassanti Gracindo Júnior 主演,Del Rangel 导演的《O Trapalhão na Arca de Noé》/原名《》电影在线观看,《O Trapalhão na Arca de Noé》百度云网盘资源以及《O Trapalhão na Arca de Noé》高清mp4迅雷下载,《O Trapalhão na Arca de Noé》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Duda is a zoo cleaner. He and his friend Kiko and Zeca are actively engaged in an animal protection group. For this reason, they are summoned by mystic Noé to fight animal hunters in the Pantanal region, in Brazil, who are after animal skins and furs, and are led by the mean Morel. They accept the mission and, on their way, meet archaeologist Marcos and photographer Carla, who are in search of a lost pyramid built by the Phoenician. Together, they try to beat the hunters.


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