冬季战争Winter War(2017)

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Winter War又名:寒雪战歌(台) / 冬日之战

分类:战争  法国  2017 2017-04-01(法国)法语

主演:Manuel Gonçalves,Laurent Guiot,Laurent Cerulli,Benoit Davin,


大卫·阿布卡亚 David Aboucaya


OK影视为您提供2017年由Manuel Gonçalves Laurent Guiot Laurent Cerulli Benoit Davin Brian Messina 汤米·李·巴克 Naccari Natale David Aboucaya Laurent Aboucaya Bastien Calou Erik Mismaque 主演,大卫·阿布卡亚 导演的《冬季战争》/原名《Winter War》/又名《寒雪战歌(台) / 冬日之战》电影在线观看,《冬季战争》百度云网盘资源以及《冬季战争》高清mp4迅雷下载,《冬季战争》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:January 1945. The first French regiment of paratroopers to fight with an American unit to liberate Alsace in France. An Allied Division must take the forest bordering the town of Jebsheim, several days before the attack that would later be called the 'French Stalingrad.' Prisoners of the cold, snow, and harsh winter conditions, and pounded by German forces, the French and American soldiers learn the violence and hell of war In this struggle for freedom and survival, they will face an unexpected enemy.



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