杰克与吉尔 第二季Jack & Jill(2001)

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Jack & Jill又名:Jack i Jill / Jack and Jill

分类:剧情 喜剧  美国  2001 英语


导演:David Petrarca,Sandy Smolan

Randi Mayem Singer/Rina Mimoun


OK影视为您提供2001年由伊凡·谢尔盖 贾斯汀·柯克 西蒙·雷克斯 阿曼达·皮特 杰米·普莱斯利 莎拉·保罗森 查德·威列 乔什·霍普金斯 爱德·奎恩 琳赛·普莱斯 主演,David Petrarca Sandy Smolan 导演的《杰克与吉尔 第二季》/原名《Jack & Jill》/又名《Jack i Jill / Jack and Jill》影视在线观看,《杰克与吉尔 第二季》百度云网盘资源以及《杰克与吉尔 第二季》高清mp4迅雷下载,《杰克与吉尔 第二季》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The friends are invited to the wedding of Jill's ex Becky Hart; Mikey looks forward to lots of dating opportunities; asking Jack as his date perhaps wasn't Jill's best move, as she considers it their first meeting anniversary, which he discards because she ran out on him. The youths look great in party frock. Audrey didn't even want Barto to pick her up at the airport, nor picks up when he's on the phone, yet ends up showing up and dancing with him in tender embrace, the he kisses hotly but she hasn't decided yet what she now wants. Mikey doesn't score because of spiteful sorority girls, Elisa doctors the name plates to escape the singles table and lands next to Frank, who did the same thing and jumps to serious dating. Jack and Jill bicker whether she should 'help' his career by soliciting potentials clients; nuts in the wedding cake give her an allergic crisis.


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